
What does NPE mean?

The acronym “NPE” has many possible definitions in relation to DNA testing and family discoveries. It is commonly defined as “Non-Paternity Event,” “Not Parent Expected” or other versions defining an event where discovery of different biological parentage than previously know. At DIscoverFamily.net, we have received thousands of request from people worldwide trying to determine who
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Finding Birth Parents in a closed adoption

Using Ancestry DNA Testing to Find Your Birth Parents in a Closed Adoption

If you were adopted as a child and are now looking to find your birth parents, you may be wondering where to start. One option that many people in your situation choose is to use Ancestry DNA testing to try to locate their birth parents. Ancestry DNA testing involves providing a saliva sample, which is then analyzed to
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How to search for a birth parent(s) if you know their name(s) – Part 2 – The Tools

Before we dive in, I just want to confirm that you first read Part 1 of this series. You don’t want to go down a rabbit hole chasing the wrong person. We have seen it happen, and it’s not fun! So at this point, let’s assume you have a name and hopefully some other “identifying
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How to search for a birth parent(s) if you know their name – Part 1

We frequently get requests for help to find birth parents from adoptees and others, and a good portion of them already have a name and frequently other identifying information. This obviously makes the search much quicker because you are not asking WHO are they, but now you are asking WHERE are they? Before I dive
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